(written Tuesday, jan 13)
(“hi from rome” for all you non-native speakers)
After hours and hours of traveling (around 18) I finally made it to Rome, Italy!
I managed to find some fellow EAPers on my flight and quickly befriended them. It was nice to have people to sit at the gates and wander around the airport with. Unfortunately after hitting London, I was not on the same flight as them to Rome and was left on my own.
Luckily, the Rome flight was empty and I had a whole row of 3 seats to myself. I took a nice nap. Customs was a breeze, they just looked at my passport and sent me on my way. By some miracle, my bags were like the second ones to come out and they came one after another.
I looked helpless and loss by the exit, about to brace the rainy new world of Rome when a nice taxi professional taxi driver named David helped me out. He gave me a small driving tour on the way to my hostel. It was dark and rainy, and I couldn’t see much. It did remind me a lot of New York. Perhaps that’s why so many Italians live there. David even drove like a New York taxi driver, horn and all. I didn’t even notice the freakin Coliseum 2 feet away from me. That’s when I remembered where in fact, I was.
I arrived at my hostel, a tiny apartment like place. The men running it handed me like 5 keys, one for the front gate, front door, apartment door, and my door, then left and said call if I need anything. Basically, I’m currently alone in my own little apartment in Rome, complete with an open window overlooking the courtyard and street.

I walked outside to a pizza place across the street and had my first piece of Italian pizza! It was scrumptious of course! Then I walked down to the laundry matt where they gave me 15 minutes of free internet where I scrambled to check my e-mail and let everyone know I was safe and sound.
Now, I am currently sitting on my bed, getting tired, waiting to go to sleep. Life is tough with no internet or tv, not much to do!
Anyway, tomorrow I head to my school to check in and then off to my apartment.
Talk to you all soon!
(written today, Wed Jan 14)
Ciao everyone!
So I made it. Everythings settled and good. So amazing.
This morning we woke up early and learned you cannot flag down a taxi in Rome. You have to call or go to a taxi stand. We arrived to our school around 10, checked in, got our apartment keys and headed off again.
I headed to my apartment in a cab. I live on a street called Via Natale Del Grande. I don’t know about mail yet so don’t send anything there! Theres a big wooden door to my apartment with a little courtyard. Then theres an old fashioned elevator that takes me to the 3rd floor where my apartment is. I was greeted there by this crazy old Italian lady who I suppose owns in. She proceeded to explain EVERYTHING in the apartment to me in Italian… I just smiled and nodded. This lasted about an hour before my other roommates showed up. Lisa, from UCSD and Julia from Berkeley. Julia lived in this apartment last semester, she extended to stay the whole year. So she quickly became our tour guide. Everyone says we have the best apartment. It's gonna be the party apartment!
I made a video tour of our apartment but it won't upload. I have some pictures, hopefully these will do it justice.
my own room! :

door/entry way:


living room:


then the 2 other girls have a room.
We walked to our school (about a 15 minute walk) to meet up with some other people. 10 of us girls then walked around and got, but of course, pizza and gelato. It was sooooo good. Then me and my roommates and the other girls who live near by, walked back to unpack and relax. We’re going to go food shopping later but everything is like closed from 1-4 because that’s when people take their naps!
We made dinner and I took my first shower in a few days.
The weather is fine. Its about 54 degrees and grey.
Walking around in Rome is so fun. We just stood on the bridge and looked at the river for like 10 minutes. Each street is beautiful and there are amazing sculptures and fountains on every corner. I live in walking distance of the Vatican.
We have an orientation tomorrow and then I don’t know what!
See ya!